Data Types
XML/Delimited/Fixed Length Introduction to some common data
(Tutorial 2)
EDI Using the EDI Repository to create 4010 EDI templates EDI
(Tutorial 9)
Data Manipulation / Validation
Template features1 Using Variable, Sequence, Conditional Field
List and Plug-in to manipulate data using BridgeGate.
(Tutorial 3)
Outbound Template features 2 Using Advanced Field
Properties,Global Field Types, and Global Substitutions
(Tutorial 4)
Template VariableCollection Using a collection of Variables to
aggregate, perform on,and selectively write.
(Tutorial 11)
Validation Using Data Validation in BridgeGate to accomplish your
data validation requirements
(Tutorial 5)
Encryption and Security
Importing Root Certificates into BridgeGate .
Connection Types
HTTP Using BridgeGate to send and receive
data, and receiving synchronous responses in HTTP.
(Tutorial 6)
Web Services Using BridgeGate to send and
receive data, and receiving synchronous responses using Web
(Tutorial 7)
Databases A demonstration of accessing
databases using BridgeGate.
(Tutorial 8)
BridgeGateHTTP Using BridgeGateHTTP Services
to listen for incoming HTTP requests.
(Tutorial 12)
Data-Driven Dashboards Using the new Data
Depot feature to intelligently store data you want to graphically
chart using built-in BridgeGate Dashboards.
(Tutorial 10)
Business Activity Monitoring BAM.
(Tutorial BAM)
Creating HTML Reports by dynamically generating HTML and by using microservice
(Tutorial 13)
OAuth2 access using BridgeGate workflows as client and server
(Tutorial OAUTH2)